Supporting companies on their transition to a 4 Day Work Week

Freedom & Mind Over Tech combine forces to support 4 Day Work Week Pilot companies.
Let’s face it—distraction is a common component of the modern workday. We all know that many of us are not working 8 hours a day.
Instead, we are battling distractions, sitting on endless zooms, or frittering time away between a stream of back and forth communication.
While this may feel obvious, you will be surprised at how little time you actually devote to productive work each day.
According to recent studies in the UK it’s just 2 hours and 53 minutes for the average office worker! That’s 37.5% of an 8 hour shift 😳.1
Companies are looking to shake things up – to find new ways to get the most from their employees, but focusing on efficiency, productivity and, crucially, rest.
Enter 4 Day Week Global, an organization which exists to support companies on their transition to a 4-day work week. Their global pilot programmes have been a resounding success. 9 out of 10 companies that participate continue with the 4 day week model, with 71% of staff feeling less burnt out, 39% feeling less stressed and 54% feeling a reduction in negative emotions.
Of course, adopting this change takes time and effort. Crucially, there are some key skills needed for success. Reducing distractions during working hours and knowing how to take good quality breaks, are a big piece of the puzzle.
That’s why we are thrilled to be partnering with 4DW Global for their upcoming pilot program. Companies from around the world will be given the opportunity to experience Freedom for Teams, free for 6 months, as they make the transition to the 4 Day Work Week. This will help their employees to block out the noise, to prioritize deep work and to focus on the things that matter.
In addition, we will be joined by Mind over Tech, digital habits behavior change experts, who help teams and businesses harness the power of digital technology in ways that enriches the productivity, connection and wellbeing of their people. They already work with organizations including KPMG, Google, Deloitte and Notion, and will be working alongside Freedom to start a conversation amongst the pilot companies, about how to build a healthier digital culture.
Through our combined tools, trainings and facilitated cultural dialogue, Freedom and Mind over Tech help teams improve:
- Productivity—More focused work, less interruptions.
- Wellbeing—Higher quality breaks, less anxiety and overwhelm.
- Connection—More effective communication, less unnecessary noise.
We are delighted to be able to now offer these trainings and tools as an integral part of the 4 day week global pilot experience.
Please contact us should you like to join the 4DWG pilot or if you have any questions.
- Another 3 hours is spent on just 4 activities alone: reading news sites, checking social media, discussing non-work activities with colleagues and making hot drinks.